Fire Marshal
At A&M Protection, we understand the critical importance of choosing the right fire marshal or fire warden service for your site. We take fire safety seriously and act swiftly to ensure your site, colleagues, occupants, and the public are safe from harm or damage.
We also offer professional fire warden services. A fire warden is responsible for supporting ongoing fire safety management and ensuring the safety of individuals during a fire evacuation. Unlike a dedicated fire watch officer, the role of a fire warden can be combined with other day-to-day responsibilities. Additionally, we provide fully qualified security officers who can act in a fire warden capacity.
What is a Fire Watch Service?
A fire watch service is a precautionary measure that ensures your premises are protected from fire hazards, especially when there is an elevated risk, such as during the deactivation of alarm systems or sprinklers for over four hours, “hot work” activities (e.g., welding), or hazardous demolitions.
A fire watch officer is solely responsible for monitoring fire risks, identifying potential hazards, and ensuring compliance with fire safety protocols. Our experienced and qualified fire watch staff familiarize themselves with your premises, eliminating fire risks and ensuring complete fire safety compliance.
When is a Fire Watch Required?
According to the 2015 International Fire Code (IFC), fire watch services are required when:
- A building’s fire alarm or sprinkler system is out of service for more than four hours
- Hot work is being conducted on-site
- Certain building demolitions are underway
- An essential safety measure is needed in areas of assembly due to high occupancy, performance, or other activities
In addition, businesses may opt for fire watch services for added peace of mind, particularly if there is a significant fire risk to people, property, or assets.
What to Expect from A&M Protection’s Fire Watch Services
Our fire watch services provide your business with one or more dedicated fire watch officers who focus solely on managing fire risks at your premises. Our officers are extensively trained, highly experienced, and possess the necessary skills to perform their duties effectively.
At A&M Protection, we are committed to safeguarding your premises against the threat of fire. Our guards undergo both internal and external training to stay updated on the latest fire safety procedures.
Fire Marshal and Fire Warden Responsibilities
Our fire marshals and wardens are trained to:
- Identify and report fire hazards to the designated “responsible person”
- Remove improperly stored unsafe items
- Ensure smoking areas are clean, and ashtrays are emptied regularly
- Take appropriate action in the event of a fire
- Log all fire-related activities
- Familiarize themselves with the designated assembly points
- Ensure all fire-resisting doors remain closed and locked, as required
- Keep escape routes clear and accessible
- Reassure building occupants and guide them to fire escapes
- Report concerns to the “responsible person” or contact emergency services (999)
Responding to a Fire Alert
Once alerted to a fire, our fire marshals will:
- Respond to the fire alarm system
- Immediately contact emergency services
- Alert residents as soon as possible upon smoke alarm activation
- Evacuate individuals using designated routes
- Assist pregnant individuals or those with disabilities
- Conduct a full sweep of the premises to ensure no one is left behind
- Knock on doors and use horns to alert residents
- Be present and visible at the assembly point
Comprehensive Fire Safety Training
Our guards receive extensive, industry-led training to respond promptly to fire alarm activations, notifying the fire brigade immediately and minimizing potential losses to businesses and the public. Each alarm, whether real or false, is treated with the same urgency and addressed appropriately.
All our staff are trained to fully understand their responsibilities during service hours and in the event of a fire. They also receive general health and safety training, as well as basic first aid, though we advise them to leave active firefighting and first aid to trained professionals.
Communication and Equipment
Effective communication is key to our fire watch service. Our staff are equipped with two-way radios to stay in constant contact, and our control room is available to handle any queries. Guards are also provided with high-visibility outerwear to ensure they are easily recognizable during patrols.
In the event that a fire alarm activation disables electrical services on-site, we provide our staff with torches and power backup systems, allowing them to continue performing their duties and guiding individuals to safety.